• Chicano Park Preservation Act of 2019

    JUAN HELPS SECURE AN ASSESSMENT OF CHICANO PARK BY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE TO EVALUATE IN NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. In front of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands, Juan gave testimony on behalf of his bill, H.R. 484, the Chicano Park Preservation Act of 2019. The bill would require the Secretary of the Interior and the National Park Service (NPS) to undertake a reconnaissance survey to recognize the national significance of Chicano Park and its murals as an affiliated area of the National Park System. At the hearing, NPS expressed their openness to conducting the necessary study through administrative action rather than needing passage of the bill. After the hearing, Juan sent a follow up letter to the NPS urging them to conduct the necessary study administratively.

  • American Rescue Plan

    TWO BILLS AUTHORED BY JUAN INCLUDED IN THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN. The American Rescue Plan contains language from two of Juan’s bills that are key to supporting our nation’s economic recovery and the public's well-being. It includes language from, H.R. 1720 COVID-19 Medical Production Act, which will provide $10 billion in additional appropriations for the Defense Production Act to fund testing, personal protective equipment, and vaccine production to combat COVID-19. In addition, the American Rescue plan includes language from, H.R. 1719 Emergency Tribal Housing Assistance Act, which will appropriate a total of $750 million to support tribal people experiencing, or on the brink of homelessness. It will also fund tribal programs to prevent and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Defense Production Act

    JUAN’S AMENDMENT INCLUDED IN BUDGET RECONCILIATION PACKAGE TO FUND ADDITIONAL COVID-19 MEDICAL SUPPLIES. The Provision included in the Financial Services Committee (FSC) budget reconciliation package for President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide $10 billion in additional appropriations for the Defense Production Act (DPA). The DPA contains a set of sweeping and powerful authorities that the Biden Administration can use in times of national emergency. Specifically, these authorities may be used to fund essential materials and goods needed to combat COVID-19. n goes here

  • The FIND Trafficking Act

    JUAN’S BILL “THE FIND TRAFFICKING ACT” INCLUDED IN NDAA. The House and Senate agreed to include Juan’s bill, H.R. 502: The Fight Illicit Networks and Detect (FIND) Trafficking Act, in the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. Earlier, the FIND Act passed unanimously in the U.S. House of Representatives. Virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, can be used for legal purchases. However, transnational criminal organizations are increasingly using virtual currencies to facilitate drug and sex trafficking. The Find Trafficking Act will require the Comptroller General of the United States to make recommendations to Congress on legislative and regulatory actions to help put an end to these illicit activities. It will also require the Comptroller General to conduct studies on how virtual currencies are being used in the "dark web”.


  • Dream and Promise Act

    JUAN PROUDLY COAUTHORS THE HOUSE-PASSED DREAM AND PROMISE ACT. The Dream and Promise Act would create a pathway to citizenship for eligible Dreamers and secure permanent residency for those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforced Departure status. Dreamers contribute to our everyday life and economy and embody the very best of our American values. They are our neighbors, friends, and colleagues. In addition, many Dreamers and TPS holders are essential workers who have and continue fighting against COVID-19. They have every right to gain permanent legal status, we must create a realistic pathway to citizenship for them.

  • ESG Disclosure Simplification Act

    JUAN’S ESG DISCLOSURE SIMPLIFICATION ACT PASSES THE FINANCIAL SERVICE COMMITTEE. Juan secured the passage of his bill, the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure Simplification Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee. The ESG Disclosure Simplification Act will require public companies to disclose certain environmental, social, and governance matters in annual filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  • Governance Improvement and Investor Protection

    JUAN'S CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IMPROVEMENT AND INVESTOR PROTECTION LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE PASSES THE HOUSE. Juan’s bill led to a Financial Services Committee legislative package that will encourage corporate environmental and social responsibility. Specifically, H.R. 1187, the ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021 would require the SEC to create a standard definition of ESG metrics and would mandate that the SEC require standardized ESG disclosures.

  • COVID-19 Emergency Medical Supplies Enhancement Act

    JUAN’S COVID-19 MEDICAL SUPPLIES BILL PASSES THE HOUSE. Juan’s bipartisan bill, H.R. 3125 COVID-19 Emergency Medical Supplies Enhancement Act of 2021, passed the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill will support the President’s use of the Defense Production Act (DPA) authorities to further advance the production, acquisition, and distribution of medical supplies used to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The bill also provides guidance for FEMA to appoint a civilian “Outreach Representative” to help coordinate partnerships between the federal government and private sector for the production of essential materials.